Denizione di  institution - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



Wikipedia institution (plural institutions)

  1. An established organisation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, culture or the care of the destitute, poor etc.
  2. The building which houses such an organisation.
  3. A custom or practice of a society or community - marriage for example.
  4. (informal) A person long established with a certain place or position.
  5. The act of instituting.
  6. (obsolete) That which institutes or instructs; a textbook or system of elements or rules.
    There is another manuscript, of above three hundred years old, […] being an institution of physic. — Evelyn.

Definizione dizionario institution

  Struttura organizzata per fini determinati (che possono essere o non essere commerciali) a cui la legge riconosce personalità giuridica.
  Stucture that has been organised for a certain scope (that can be for nor not for profit), which the legislation attributes a incorporated status.

Altri significati:
  person long established with a certain place or position
  An established organisation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, culture or the care of the destitute, poor etc.
  established organisation
  (informal) A person long established with a certain place or position.
  The act of instituting.
  custom or practice of a society or community
  The building which houses such an organisation.
  A custom or practice of a society or community - marriage for example.

Traduzione institution

ente ,istituto ,istituzione ,ordinamento

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