Denizione di  layman - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



layman (plural laymen)

  1. layperson, someone who is not an ordained cleric or member of the clergy
  2. by analogy, someone who is not a professional in a given field
    Carmen is not a professional anthropologist, but strictly a layman.
    Let me explain it to you in laymans terms.
  3. a common person
  4. a person who is untrained or lacks knowledge of a subject
    • 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 221d.
      should he be held to be just a layman, or does he have some art?
  5. a generally ignorant person
  6. lay-sister or lay-brother, person received into a convent of monks, following the vows, but not being member of the order

Definizione dizionario layman

  someone who is not an ordained cleric
  Una persona che non è stata consacrata prete.
  A person who has not been consecrated as a priest.
  someone who is not an ordained cleric
  someone who is not a professional in a given field

Altri significati:
  a generally ignorant person
  a common person
  layperson, someone who is not an ordained cleric or member of the clergy
  a person who is untrained or lacks knowledge of a subject
  lay-sister or lay-brother, person received into a convent of monks, following the vows, but not being member of the order
  by analogy, someone who is not a professional in a given field

Traduzione layman

laico ,profano

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