Denizione di  paradoxical - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



paradoxical (not comparable)

  1. Having self-contradictory properties.
    • 1776 — Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, book II, ch 2
      It is the ambiguity of language only which can make this proposition appear either doubtful or paradoxical. When properly explained and understood, it is almost self-evident.
    • 1898 — H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, Book 2, ch 4
      It sounds paradoxical, but I am inclined to think that the weakness and insanity of the curate warned me, braced me, and kept me a sane man.
    • 1933 — H. P. Lovecraft & Hazel Heald, Out of the Aeons
      It was tightly fitted with a cap of the same substance, and bore engraved figurings of an evidently decorative and possibly symbolic nature - conventional designs which seemed to follow a peculiarly alien, paradoxical, and doubtfully describable system of geometry.

Definizione dizionario paradoxical


Altri significati:
  having self-contradicting properties
  Having self-contradictory properties.

Traduzione paradoxical


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