Denizione di  pin - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



pin (third-person singular simple present pins, present participle pinning, simple past and past participle pinned)

  1. (often followed by a preposition such as to or on) To fasten or attach (something) with a pin.
  2. (chess, usually in the passive) To cause (a piece) to be in a pin.

pin (plural pins)

  1. A small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening.
  2. A small nail with a head and a sharp point.
  3. A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.
  4. A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling.
  5. (in plural pins; informal) A leg.
    Im not so good on my pins these days.
  6. (electricity) Any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector.
    The UK standard connector for domestic mains electricity has three pins.
  7. A piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin.
  8. (US) A simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc.
  9. (chess) A scenario in which the movement of a lesser piece that is under attack and moves away would reveal a more valuable piece.
  10. (curling) The spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area)
    The shot landed right on the pin.
  11. (dated) A mood, a state of being.
    She was in a merry pin.

Definizione dizionario pin

  small device; small needle with no eye
  US: accessory attached with a pin
  Pezzo di gioielleria che viene appuntato ad una camicia o una giacca.
  A piece of jewellery that is pinned to a shirt or jacket.
  in chess
  in chess
  To fix an item, such as a library, a program shortcut, an emoticon, or a map point of interest, in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area (e.g., to make a library always visible in the navigation pane).
  Bastone o palo sottile utilizzato su un campo da golf, avente una bandiera su una estremità, mentre l'altra estremità viene inserita in un foro, rendendola facilmente visibile anche ai giocatori lontani.
  A stick or thin pole being used on a golf course having a flag on one end, while the other end is put into a hole, marking it clearly even for far away golfers.
asta della bandiera
  Bastone o palo sottile utilizzato su un campo da golf, avente una bandiera su una estremità, mentre l'altra estremità viene inserita in un foro, rendendola facilmente visibile anche ai giocatori lontani.
  A stick or thin pole being used on a golf course having a flag on one end, while the other end is put into a hole, marking it clearly even for far away golfers.
  slender object specially designed for use in bowling
  To fix an item, such as a library, a program shortcut, an emoticon, or a map point of interest, in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area (e.g., to make a library always visible in the navigation pane).

Altri significati:
  informal: leg
  (chess, usually in the passive) To cause (a piece) to be in a pin.
  A small nail with a head and a sharp point.
  (US) A simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc.
  (chess) A scenario in which the movement of a lesser piece that is under attack and moves away would reveal a more valuable piece.
  (often followed by a preposition such as to or on) To fasten or attach (something) with a pin.
  A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling.
  A small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening.
  (in plural pins; informal) A leg.
  any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector
  A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.
  (curling) The spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area)
  cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts
  An item that is placed on the end of a bowling alley, and which one can then try to strike and topple with a bowling ball.
  small nail
  A single one of several legs of something man made; thin means being the technical support of something on top of it, where there are usually several of the kind; leg of a living being referred to in an entirely technical-functional sense.
  A piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin.
  to fasten/attach with a pin
  (electricity) Any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector.

Traduzione pin

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