Denizione di  polyglot - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



polyglot (plural polyglots)

  1. One who masters, notably speaks, several languages.
    • A polyglot, or good linguist - Howell
  2. A publication containing several versions of the same text, or the same subject matter in several languages; especially, the Bible in several languages.
    • Enriched by the publication of polyglots - Abp. Newcome
  3. A mixture of langages and/or nomenclatures
  4. (programming) A program written in multiple programming languages.


  1. Versed in, or speaking, many languages.
  2. Containing, or made up of, several languages.
    a polyglot lexicon; a polyglot Bible
  3. Comprising various linguistic groups
    A polyglot region without a clearly dominant culture may develop an artificial lingua franca, such as Pidgin English in the South Sea

Definizione dizionario polyglot

  Versed in, or speaking, many languages
  Containing, or made up of, several languages
  one who masters, notably speaks, several languages
  Capace di comunicare in diverse lingue, normalmente almeno tre.
  Able to communicate in several languages, generally at least three.
  Written in, or made up of several languages.
  A person able to communicate in several languages, generally at least three.

Altri significati:
  A mixture of langages and/or nomenclatures
  publication containing several versions of the same
  Comprising various linguistic groups
  (programming) A program written in multiple programming languages.
  One who masters, notably speaks, several languages.
  Versed in, or speaking, many languages.
  A publication containing several versions of the same text, or the same subject matter in several languages; especially, the Bible in several languages.
  Containing, or made up of, several languages.

Traduzione polyglot


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