Denizione di  rhubarb - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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rhubarb (countable and uncountable; plural rhubarb or rhubarbs)

  1. Any plant of the genus Rheum, especially R. rharbarbarum, having large leaves and long green or reddish acidic leafstalks, that are edible, in particular when cooked (although the leaves are mildly poisonous).
    • 1716, J. (John) Mortimer, The Whole Art of Husbandry: Or, the Way of Managing and Improving of Land.:
      Rhubarb is of several sorts, which are raised all by Seed, or by parting of the Tops.
    • 2006, Cappy Hall Rearick, Simply Southern Ease: More Humor, Insights and Fun from a Good Old Southern Gal:
      ""Are you talking homemade rhubarb pie from scratch, with you rolling out the dough instead of using a ready-made pie crust.""
    • 2006, L M Dougherty, The Concertmaster: Lure of the Stringed Siren:
      Im thinking about planting a row of rhubarb this year. What do you think? You always used to love my rhubarb bread.""
  2. The dried rhizome and roots of R. palmatum or R. officinale, from China, used as a laxative and purgative.
    • 1744, Alexander Hamilton, A New Account of the East Indies: Giving an Exact and Copious Description of the Situation, Product, Manufactures, Laws, Customs, Religion, Trade, &c. of all the Countries and Islands, which lie between the Cape of Good Hope, and the Island of Japon...In Two Volumes. Volume I. [full title stretches to 108 words]:
      On the Mountains of Zensi, near the famous Wall that divides China from Tartary, grows abundance of that useful and valuable Root Rhubarb, whoes Use is so well known in Europe.
    • 2006, Bharat B Aggarwall, Shishir Shishodia (editors), Resveratrol in Health And Disease:
      Isolation and characterization of stilbene glucosides from Chinese rhubarb.
    • 2006, John Mann, Murder, Magic and Medicine:
      Long before this, the Emperor Shennung (c2700 BC) was recommending the use of rhubarb.
  3. A word repeated softly to emulate background conversation. (see rhubarb rhubarb).
    • 1992, John Matthias, Reading Old Friends: Essays, Reviews, and Poems on Poetics, 1975-1990:
      What he stuffed into the mouths of those National Theatre actors, then, was something intended to open their mouths, slow down their delivery, and make them hear and speak each word as a barbed rebarbative thing of rhubarb syllables.
    • 1992, Brenda Murphy, Tennessee Williams and Elia Kazan: A Collaboration in the Theatre:
      He also disapproved of the way the “Winchell bit” was being delivered, noting that it didnt come across as a news broadcast because it was lost in “the rhubarb” of the fiesta and that the news commentator did not have the proper air of mystery about him.
    • 2002, Oliver Taplin, Greek Tragedy in Action:
      Such often introduced in some kind of ‘dumb show, either in silence or accompanied by music or indecipherable stage noise (‘rhubarb, etc.).
  4. An excited, angry exchange of words, especially at a sporting event.
    • 1993, Thomas G Aylesworth, Kids World Almanac of Baseball:
      When the pitcher, catcher and umpire get into an argument, baseball anouncers call it a rhubarb. The word comes from a sound effects technique used in early radio dramas.
    • 2003, The Columbian, September 15, 2003:
      Bonds, who had been watching the game on television earlier, sprung out of the dugout for an animated rhubarb.
    • 2006, David Block, Baseball Before We Knew It: A Search for the Roots of the Game:
      Two days later, the ball play resulted in a rhubarb: ""The day was so bad and so much labor going on, that we had no exercise, but some ball play — at which some dispute arose among the officers, but was quelled without rising high"".
    • 2006, Mary Ann Meyers, Art, Education, & African-American Culture: Albert Barnes and the Science of Philanthropy:
      Speaking by telephone from his desert home near Palm Springs, California, he told a reporter in Philadelphia: ""I dont want to be around when theres a rhubarb going on.
  5. (baseball) A brawl.
    • 1992, Dom Forker, Big League Baseball Puzzlers:
      The umpire will call the runner out, but it will probably create a rhubarb. Rule 7.08 c. At least it did the day umpire Beans Reardon called Charlie Pick of the Cubs out on the play...when the Bruin outfielder responded too physically, Reardon “punched him out.”
    • 1997, James Reston, Collision at Home Plate: The Lives of Pete Rose and Bart Giamatti:
      He got into a rhubarb with Elmo Plaskett, the catcher from the other team. Plaskett hauled off and hit Bristol in the face with his catchers mask.
    • 2005, Larry Dierker, This Aint Brain Surgery: How to Win the Pennant Without Losing Your Mind:
      “Im the umpire you threw on the ground at Chatsworth back when you were in high school.”...Arguing with umpires is still a part of the attraction in baseball. A good rhubarb offers just a trace of the outrageous behavior that has vaulted the World Wrestling Entertainment into prominence in recent years.
    • 2006, Timothy J. Gay, Tris Speaker: The Rough-And-Tumble Life of a Baseball Legend:
      Spoke relished confrontations with umpires, never backing down from a rhubarb. Teammates marveled at his capacity to yell so hard his face would turn blue.
  6. (military) An RAF World War II code name for operations by aircraft (fighters and fighter bombers) seeking opportunity targets.
    • 1956, Johnnie Johnson, Wing Leader, page 79:
      The idea was to take full advantage of low cloud and poor visibility and slip sections of Spitfires across the coast and then let-down below the cloud to search for opportunity targets.

Definizione dizionario rhubarb

  any plant of the genus '''Rheum'''
  A having large leaves and long green or reddish acidic leafstalks, that are edible, in particular when cooked.
rabarbaro dei giardini

Altri significati:
  Any plant of the genus Rheum, especially R. rharbarbarum, having large leaves and long green or reddish acidic leafstalks, that are edible, in particular when cooked (although the leaves are mildly poisonous).
  The dried rhizome and roots of R. palmatum or R. officinale, from China, used as a laxative and purgative.
  (military) An RAF World War II code name for operations by aircraft (fighters and fighter bombers) seeking opportunity targets.
  An excited, angry exchange of words, especially at a sporting event.
  A word repeated softly to emulate background conversation. (see rhubarb rhubarb).
  (baseball) A brawl.

Traduzione rhubarb

rabarbaro ,parlottìo ,rabarbaro dei giardini ,rheum

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