Denizione di  smallholding - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Wikipedia smallholding (plural smallholdings)

  1. (UK) A piece of land, smaller than a farm, used for the cultivation of vegetables or the breeding of animals
  2. (US) A small plantation or land with a small number of slaves (generally 19 or less). Contrasted with middling plantation (20-49 slaves) and large plantation (50+ and owned by planters).
    ""…the larger plantations implemented different crop choices, surveillance strategies, and labor management practices than did smallholdings."" (Wilma P. Dunaway, Slavery in the American Mountain South: ""Introduction"" 8, 2003)

Definizione dizionario smallholding

piccola azienda agricola

Altri significati:
  (UK) A piece of land, smaller than a farm, used for the cultivation of vegetables or the breeding of animals

Traduzione smallholding

piccola azienda agricola

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