Denizione di  smallpox - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



smallpox (usually uncountable; plural smallpoxes)

  1. (pathology) An acute, highly infectious often fatal disease caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae. It was completely eradicated in the 1970s. Those who survived were left with pockmarks.
    • The Europeans brought new diseases such as smallpox, measles, dysentery, influenza, syphilis and leprosy.

Definizione dizionario smallpox

  A highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars.

Altri significati:
  (pathology) An acute, highly infectious often fatal disease caused by a virus of the family '''Poxviridae''' . It was completely eradicated in the 1970s. Those who survived were left with pockmarks.

Traduzione smallpox

vaiolo ,vaioloso

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