Denizione di  suasion - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



suasion (plural suasions)

  1. The act of urging or influencing; persuasion.
    • 1977, Stephen R. Donaldson, The Illearth War, p. 75,
      The high intricate ways of the Keep had a strange power of suasion, an ability to carry conviction.
    • 1982, Jacob Kipp, ""Review of The Royal Navy and the Siege of Bilbao by James Cable,"" Military Affairs, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 217,
      James Cable, the author of Gunboat Diplomacy (Chatto & Windus, 1971), has created an excellent case study of naval presence and suasion during the era of appeasement.

Definizione dizionario suasion

Altri significati:
  The act of urging or influencing; persuasion.

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