
Denizione di  foundation - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



foundation (plural foundations)

  1. The act of founding, fixing, establishing, or beginning to erect.
    The foundation of his institute has been wrought with difficulty.
  2. That upon which anything is founded; that on which anything stands, and by which it is supported; the lowest and supporting layer of a superstructure; groundwork; basis; underbuilding.
  3. (architecture) The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course and footing courses; in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry.
    The foundations of this construction have been laid out.
  4. A donation or legacy appropriated to support a charitable institution, and constituting a permanent fund; endowment.
  5. That which is founded, or established by endowment; an endowed institution or charity.
    The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is the parent organization of the Wiktionary collaborative project.
  6. (cosmetics) Cosmetic cream roughly skin-colored, designed to make the face appear uniform in color and texture.

Definizione dizionario foundation

Traduzione foundation

fondazione ,fondamenta ,fondamento ,base ,piede

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