
Denizione di  kangaroo - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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kangaroo (plural kangaroos)

  1. A member of a family of large marsupials with strong hind legs for hopping, mainly found in Australia, scientific name macropod.
    • 1770: Besides the Animals which I have before mentioned, called by the Natives Kangooroo, or Kanguru ... — James Cook, Captain Cook’s Journal During the First Voyage Round the World, description of Endeavour River, at 4 August 1770 [1]
  2. (Canada, attributive) A hooded jacket with a front pocket, usually of fleece material, a kangaroo jacket.

Definizione dizionario kangaroo


Altri significati:
  (Canada, attributive) A hooded jacket with a front pocket, usually of fleece material, a kangaroo jacket.

Traduzione kangaroo


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