
Denizione di  multiculturalism - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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multiculturalism (plural multiculturalisms)

  1. The characteristics of a society, city etc. which has many different ethnic or national cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which support or encourage such coexistence. [from 20th c.]
    • 1991, Barbara Ehrenreich, Time, 8 Apr 1991:
      Something had to replace the threat of communism, and at last a workable substitute is at hand. ""Multiculturalism,"" as the new menace is known, has been denounced in the media recently as the new McCarthyism, the new fundamentalism, even the new totalitarianism -- take your choice.
    • 2005, David Davis MP, Daily Telegraph, 3 Aug 2005:
      Britain has pursued a policy of multiculturalism - allowing people of different cultures to settle without expecting them to integrate into society.
    • 2011, ""On a mat and a prayer"", The Economist, 7 Apr 2011:
      Earlier this year he said multiculturalism had “failed”, that immigrants needed to “melt” into French society, and that “we do not want ostentatious prayers in the street in France.”

Definizione dizionario multiculturalism


Altri significati:
  societal idea
  The characteristics of a society, city etc. which has many different ethnic or national cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which support or encourage such coexistence. [from 20th c.]

Traduzione multiculturalism


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