Definizione monolingua
Verbpaddle (third-person singular simple present paddles, present participle paddling, simple past and past participle paddled)
- (transitive) To propel something through water with a paddle, oar or hands.
- 1884: Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Chapter IX
- Daytimes we paddled all over the island in the canoe,
- (intransitive) To row a boat with less than ones full capacity.
- (transitive) To spank with a paddle.
Nounpaddle (plural paddles)
- A two-handed, single-bladed oar used to propel a canoe or a small boat.
- A double-bladed oar used for kayaking.
- Time spent on paddling.
- We had a nice paddle this morning.
- A slat of a paddleboats wheel.
- A paddlewheel.
- A blade of a waterwheel.
- (video games, dated) A game controller with a round wheel used to control player movement along one axis of the video screen.
- (UK) A meandering walk or dabble through shallow water, especially at the seaside.
- A kitchen utensil shaped like a paddle and used for mixing, beating etc.
- A bat-shaped spanking implement
- The paddle practically ousted the British cane as the spankers attribute in the independent US
- A ping-pong bat.
- A flat limb of an aquatic animal, adapted for swimming.
- A sea turtles paddles make it swim almost as fast as land tortoises are slow
- In a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water.
- A group of inerts
Definizione dizionario paddle
 | pagaia |
 | pagaiare |
 | pala |
 | pala di elica |
 | paletta |
 | pinna |
 | remare |
 | remo |
 | sguazzare |
 | spatola |
Altri significati: 
| (diving) flipper |
| In a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water. |
| time spent on paddling |
| blade of a waterwheel |
| slat of a paddleboat's wheel |
 | (transitive) To propel something through water with a paddle , oar or hands. |
| A ping-pong bat. |
| (archaic) (intransitive) To toy or caress using hands or fingers |
| two-handed, single-bladed oar |
| A double-bladed oar used for kayaking. |
| to spank with a paddle |
| to propel something through water with a paddle, hands or similar instrument |
| in a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water |
| A blade of a waterwheel. |
| (UK) A meandering walk or dabble through shallow water, especially at the seaside. |
| A two-handed, single-bladed oar used to propel a canoe or a small boat. |
| to walk or dabble playfully in shallow water |
| Time spent on paddling. |
| To toddle |
| meandering walk or dabble through shallow water |
| A kitchen utensil shaped like a paddle and used for mixing, beating etc. |
| flat limb of turtle etc. |
| A slat of a paddleboat's wheel. |
| paddlewheel |
| (transitive) To spank with a paddle. |
| A bat-shaped spanking implement |
| (intransitive) To row a boat with less than one's full capacity. |
| ping-pong bat |
| double-bladed oar used for kayaking |
| A flat limb of an aquatic animal, adapted for swimming. |
| kitchen utensil |
| A group of inerts |
| A tool used for pushing against liquid, generally for the propulsion of a boat. |
| (intransitive) (UK) To walk or dabble playfully in shallow water, especially at the seaside. |
| A paddlewheel. |
Traduzione paddle
pagaia ,pagaiare ,pala ,pala di elica ,paletta
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