
Denizione di  qualification - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



qualification (plural qualifications)

  1. The act or process of qualifying.
    Qualification for this organization is extraordinarily difficult.
  2. An ability or attribute aiding ones chances of qualifying.
    What are your qualifications for this job?
  3. An added condition.
    I accept your offer, but with the following qualification.
  4. (auto racing) The process by which racers race against the clock to determine whether they will qualify for a race, and if so in what qualifying position.
    The racer with the best time in qualification wins the pole position.

Definizione dizionario qualification

  Titolo che spetta a una persona in virtù degli studi effettuati, delle mansioni svolte o della condizione sociale.
  A title belonging to a person by virtue of studies completed or social condition.

Altri significati:
  (auto racing) The process by which racers race against the clock to determine whether they will qualify for a race, and if so in what qualifying position.
  An ability or attribute aiding one's chances of qualifying.
  An added condition.
  act or process of qualifying
  The act or process of qualifying.
  process of deciding the running order
  ability or attribute
  The process by which racers race against the clock to determine whether they will qualify for a race, and if so in what qualifying position.

Traduzione qualification

qualifica ,abilitazione ,condizione ,limitazione ,qualificazione

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