
Denizione di  windfall - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



windfall (plural windfalls)

  1. Something that has been blown down by the wind.
  2. A fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind
    They couldnt reach the branches, so they ate the windfalls.
  3. a sudden large benefit; especially an influx of money
    • 2004: Chris Wallace, Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage
      Businessmen rushed to get every last commodity aboard a departing ship, hoping for a windfall once the world realized these would be the very last sacks of flour available, thus driving up prices.

Definizione dizionario windfall

albero abbattuto dal vento
  1) Falling of old trees in a forest caused by a storm or strong wind. It plays an important role in the spontaneous regeneration of forest ecosystems. 2) A plot of land covered with trees blown down by the wind. (Source: RAMADE / CED)

Altri significati:
  a sudden large benefit; especially an influx of money
  A fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind
  Something that has been blown down by the wind.
  sudden large benefit
  fruit fallen off a tree naturally

Traduzione windfall

albero abbattuto dal vento

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