
Denizione di  with - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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  1. against
    He picked a fight with the class bully.
    • 1621, John Smith, The Proceedings of the English Colony in Virginia [1]
      Many hatchets, knives, & pieces of iron, & brass, we see, which they reported to have from the Sasquesahanocks a mighty people, and mortal enemies with the Massawomecks
  2. in the company of; alongside, along side of; close to; near to:
    He went with his friends.
  3. in addition to; as an accessory to:
    She owns a motorcycle with a sidecar.
  4. Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.
    • 1590, Sir Philip Sidney, The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia,
      With that she told me that though she spake of her father, whom she named Chremes, she would hide no truth from me: ...
    • 1697, Virgil, John Dryden (translator), Aeneid, in The Works of Virgil,
      With this he pointed to his face, and showd
      His hand and all his habit smeard with blood.
    • 1861, Alexander Pope, The Rev. George Gilfillan (editor) The Fourth Pastoral, or Daphne, in The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope,
      See where, on earth, the flowery glories lie,
      With her they flourishd, and with her they die.
    • 1994, Stephen Fry, The Hippopotamus Chapter 2
      With a bolt of fright he remembered that there was no bathroom in the Hobhouse Room. He leapt along the corridor in a panic, stopping by the long-case clock at the end where he flattened himself against the wall.
  5. in support of:
    We are with you all the way.
  6. (obsolete) To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; – sometimes equivalent to by.
    slain with robbers
    • 1300s?, Political, Religious and Love Poems, “An A B C Poem on the Passion of Christ”, ed. Frederick James Furnivall, 1866
      Al þus with iewys I am dyth, I seme a wyrm to manus syth.
    • c1388, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Legend of Good Women, Balade, 266
      Ysiphile, betrayed with Jasoun, / Maketh of your trouthe neyther boost ne soun;
    • 1610, William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale, Act V, V-ii
      He was torn to / pieces with a bear:
    • 1669, Nathaniel Morton, New England’s Memorial
      He was sick and lame of the scurvy, so as he could but lie in the cabin-door, and give direction, and, it should seem, was badly assisted either with mate or mariners
  7. as an instrument; by means of
    cut with a knife
    • 1430?, “The Love of Jesus” in Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, ed. Frederick James Furnivall, 1867, p.26
      Þirle my soule with þi spere anoon,
    • 1619, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, A King and no King, Act IV
      you have paid me equal, Heavens, / And sent my own rod to correct me with
    • 1620, William Bradford. Of Plymouth Plantation [2]
      They had cut of his head upon the cudy of his boat had not the man reskued him with a sword,
    • 1677, William Wycherley, The plain-dealer, Prologue
      And keep each other company in spite, / As rivals in your common mistress, fame, / And with faint praises one another damn;
  8. (obsolete) as nourishment, more recently replaced by on
    • 1604, William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act IV, IV-iii
      I am fain to dine and sup with water and bran

Definizione dizionario with

  in the company of
  in addition to
  in support of
  by means of
  In compagnia di
  In the company of
accanto a

Altri significati:
  with (accompaniment)
  expressing manner
  in addition to; as an accessory to:
  Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.
  In addition to; as an accessory to.
  In agreement with (a person).
  in support of:
  as nourishment
  in the company of; alongside, along side of; close to; near to:
  (obsolete) as nourishment, more recently replaced by on
  On the opposing side to.
  (obsolete) To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; – sometimes equivalent to by.
  as an instrument; by means of

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con ,a ,su ,accanto a ,al

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